Parent Permission
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am pleased to inform you that your child (young person) has been invited to attend an introduction to participate in the Insain Visionworks™ program for 2023. The Program commences at Aveley SC, in Week 2 of term.
The Insain Group Visionworks™ Program is designed to empower students to explore what they would like their future to look like, and to deliver on unpredictable and previously unattainable results.
Insain’s unique technology allows for pathways to be paved that were once not there. Focusing on Social, Emotional, Educational and Career Growth, the weekly series of group sessions are designed for each young person to apply this approach in their lives, delivering on some phenomenal results.
During the 2-3 hour weekly sessions, your young person will gain access to, and begin discovering:
Clarity around what they would like their future to look like
Barriers that limit their ability to reach their true potential
Opportunities and how to go about taking action
Specific languaging to declare their vision and how to have others take action
Tools to have their vision develop and continue, connecting with others who are allied and who provide beneficial support
Students are invited to apply to attend the program at the introduction and each application is reviewed carefully. We believe that getting into a young person’s world and developing trust between students and our team is a necessary ingredient of a successful program, their vision of their future is ours too.
Successful applicants will continue to the Visionworks™ program, guided by an Insain Vision agent and will engage in a set of informal agreements to keep them on track. Please note that attendance at the Week 2 session is compulsory to continue the program.
You may find asking your child about their experiences in the program helpful in understanding what we are asking students to do, and supporting your child during the program. As parents or guardians, you can encourage your young person to think about their future, though allowing them space in discovering it for themselves.
We may also link your young person to a community member who can mentor them in their goals, and potentially go outside the classroom to do field work or meet with community members, etc. The students will be guided individually in the program, based on the knowledge they gain and the skills they demonstrate.
Please sign the consent form below and return it to the Student Services office or to the email below to complete the application for your young person as soon as possible.
Feel free to contact your school or myself if you would like further information.
Yours truly,
Sain Dzemail
CEO Insain Pty Ltd
By completing this form you also give us permission to contact yourself regarding any matters relating to your child's participation in the Visionworks program.
Don't worry we promise we don't spam you or sell your details to anyone.
Thanks for completing the permission for your child to attend the Visionworks program. Please check your junk folder for confirmation of submission.- The Insain Team!