The Insain Individual Visionworks™ Program is designed to empower young people aged 12 - 35 to explore what they would like their future to look like, and to deliver on unpredictable and previously unattainable results.
Working closely with your own 'Vision Agent', The Insain Individual Visionworks™ Program is designed to give you the edge on what you 'vision' for your future starting now!
Be prepared to take off the blind fold and discover something about yourself that has been holding you back, and start taking actions towards building the life you dream of.
Insain’s unique technology allows for pathways to be paved that were once not there. Focusing on;
Career Growth
The program gives you access to an Insain Vision Agent whose job is to connect the individual to a positive based future in all of these areas of growth.
In addition to the program, an opportunity to engage with someone from the community who is aligned with their vision is generated, offering expanded possibilities.
The weekly one on one sessions with a Vision Agent are designed for the young person to apply this approach in their lives, delivering on some phenomenal results.
A Vision Agent is more than just a youth worker or counsellor. Anyone that partners with, is employed by or volunteers with Insain must be able to tick the three essential elements of what a young person will look for in someone to support them, including a Vision Agent™.
Can you relate to and understand what is occurring in the lives of young people?
Have you worked with young people, communicating that they're not the only ones?
Are you a trusted professional in this field?
Our Vision Agents have their own stories and experiences of life, and are constantly building themselves and taking on any barriers they face. We thoroughly believe that being in action in ones own life has them be more effective in supporting others. We are more than just cheering from the sidelines.
The Individual Visionworks™ Program is run over the course of 1 year and includes weekly 1-2 hour sessions with a Vision Agent.
Programs usually coincide with the beginning of a new school term, and other arrangements can be made if required.
No sessions are held during school holidays.
Insa!n Individual Visionworks™ Programs are external to a clinical setting
Locations are discussed and agreed upon with both parents and the young person.
The Individual Visionworks™ Program is an application process see below...
Speak to a Vision agent to find out more about the program and the prices related to the services provided.
The Individual Visionworks™ Program has a yearly cost and payment plans are available and incur additional charges.
NDIS for self managed clients available.
During the Yearly Individual Visionworks™ Program, your young person will:
● Have weekly 1-2 hour sessions with their dedicated Vision Agent
● Gain clarity around what they would like their future to look like
● Discover barriers that limit their ability to reach their true potential
● Learn specific languaging to declare their vision and how to have others take action
● Gain tools to have their vision develop and continue
● Have engagement opportunities connecting with others who are aligned and who provide beneficial support
● Gain opportunities and learn how to go about taking action
We also provide each parent with:
● A collaborative meeting inviting all external agencies to meet and discuss the young person’s needs and a way to move forward on this together
● A review of their young person’s vision, and tools for supporting them in this new positive future
Through the Insain Visionworks™ Program you will learn how to bring power to many areas of your life and what you put in is what you will get out... So if you're ready, bring it all!
The first step in applying for an Individual Visionworks™ program is to speak with a Vision Agent.
Fill in your Registration Details
Submit the form
The Vision Agent will;
have a conversation with you about the current experiences of life regarding the young person
determine how the program can best support the young person and the family
listen to you and what has been happening
guide you to the next step to move forward whether its continuing with the program, or an alternative
If you have more questions or need support to apply get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as we can... Contact Us
“Being involved in helping a young person through Insain had me discover how important it is to help and give opportunities to the next generation. It reminded me of how I got to where I am."
— Nathan, Local Business Owner
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Insain: Social Enterprise; ABN 86 607 403 314 | Suite 14, 50 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000 ©insain | made with love