Insain's programs have been developed by Sain Dzemail, the CEO of Insain who is qualified as a Counsellor and Youth Worker in the Youth Sector including Education Department, Department of Corrections, and Local & State Government complex cases since 2006.
The Visionworks™ program has successfully operated at local WA schools for several years, working with teachers to provide students another way to identify what they want and a pathway to achieve that.
There have been many additional results produced through students participation check out some testimonials of students and teachers;
Insain's programs have been developed by Sain Dzemail, the CEO of Insain who is qualified as a Counsellor and Youth Worker in the Youth Sector including Education Department, Department of Corrections, and Local & State Government complex cases since 2006.
The Visionworks™ program has successfully operated at local WA schools for several years, working with teachers to provide students another way to identify what they want and a pathway to achieve that.
There have been many additional results produced through students participation check out some testimonials of students and teachers;
The Insain School Group Visionworks™ Program is designed to empower students to explore what they would like their future to look like, and to deliver on unpredictable and previously unattainable results.
Each week the Insain Team develop the group by looking at areas that challenge their identity, their participation in life and giving them tools to use in the classroom and beyond.
As they identify areas that light them up or that they want to explore we set up what we call "Committed Visioner" experiences. Held either on a zoom call in the classroom or a 'meet up' with the Insain team to have a conversation with a person who is in the field that they are interested in and can answer some important questions for each student but most importantly they are aligned with the students vision.
While this is always conceptual, until we know what each student creates, we can only give you some examples of previous students and what they found they achieved out of the program.
The Insain School Group Visionworks™ Program is designed to empower students to explore what they would like their future to look like, and to deliver on unpredictable and previously unattainable results.
Each week the Insain Team develop the group by looking at areas that challenge their identity, their participation in life and giving them tools to use in the classroom and beyond.
As they identify areas that light them up or that they want to explore we set up what we call "Committed Visioner" experiences. Held either on a zoom call in the classroom or a 'meet up' with the Insain team to have a conversation with a person who is in the field that they are interested in and can answer some important questions for each student but most importantly they are aligned with the students vision.
While this is always conceptual, until we know what each student creates, we can only give you some examples of previous students and what they found they achieved out of the program.
Insain’s unique technology allows for pathways to be paved that were once not there. Focusing on;
Career Growth
The weekly series of group sessions are designed for each studnet to apply this approach in their lives, delivering on some phenomenal results.
In addition to the program, an opportunity to engage with someone from the community who is aligned with their vision is generated. Both empowering students to explore what they would like their future to look like, and to deliver on unpredictable and previously unattainable results.
We do things a little different to the regular classroom environment.
Over 10 weeks we develop the group of around 25-30 students through a series of topics which identify their own personal barriers with regards to what they want to do in life, mostly in an occupational capacity for their lives, and sometimes in a recreational or emotional environment.
Meaning either focusing on the Job they want, the Hobbies they enjoy or the Relationships in their lives, usually all of these areas and more are addressed and explored depending on what each individual expresses as important to them.
The Visionworks™ School Group Program is perfect for students who may be;
presenting as 'looking for clarity' around what they want to accomplish and not sure around selecting subjects or pathways;
students showing limitations in self confidence or other social barriers;
where the student presents with low attendance, demonstrating disinterest in school or a disconnect with the pathway;
and sometimes none of the above, they are just nominated by their teachers who think they may benefit from the program as they can get a lot of benefit in many areas of life.
We cater to whole year cohorts or a mixture of year groups depending on each schools requirements.
Speak to a Vision Agent for more information on how we can support your school.
9 - 10 Consecutive Weeks in Term Consisting of;
An introduction to the group
An interview process individually with students
9 weekly sessions
A follow up individual exit session
2 - 3 hours per session
Time: As per institutions requirements
Location: Either at an appropriate campus location or an external Venue.
Our classrooms are available in Perth, Western Australia, or anywhere in the world via Online.
The value of the Visionworks™ program includes:
1 - 2 hour Introduction to students
Application process for students and parent information
2 - 3 hour Weekly Visionworks™ Program sessions for 9 weeks with the team of Insain staff
Program materials
Engagement Opportunities*
Access to your Vision Agent Program leader out of session time for both school staff and student
We can also provide support to the school staff in specific areas of;
Student services including any behaviour areas that are being implemented, monitored or we can encourage.
Career Link / Workplace Learning Coordinators including finding potential opportunities and areas that students align with and supporting actions around pathways already established..
The program will provide students and the school community with;
A completed written and visual representation of their vision for their future
A plan of action and specific steps to fulfil on areas that are important to them
A completed workbook covering key distinctions to actively cause their own vision
Leaders who have knowledge of their own personal barriers and tools to work through them
*A 'Committed Visioner' partnership with someone who is aligned with their vision and will empower them to keep causing results
New abilities to take actions that they were previously stopped in
A community to keep accountable to and support them in staying committed to their growth
Through the Insain Visionworks™ Program they will learn how to bring power to many areas of their lives.
To Find out more about the programs offerings or have a Vision Agent present to your school fill in the contact form and we will get in touch as soon as we can...
make a request
our policies
Insain: Social Enterprise; ABN 86 607 403 314 | Suite 14, 50 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000 ©insain | made with love